Duffy performed Rain on Your Parade and Mercy on BBC's Children in Need tonight... the Duffyettes were seemingly back in force LOL
You should be able to watch it over on BBC iplayer.... I just need to work out what sections she is in (that sounds really bad doesn't it? LOL).
UPDATE: OK... I found it. You can watch Duffy perform Rain on Your Parade about 54 mins into Part 1.
You can watch Mercy about 37 mins into Part 4.
Remember that the BBC iPlayer vids are only available until Saturday and only in the UK.
Rain On Your Parade:
Who are those Duffettes .... they look like twins?
The "Duffettes" are actually twins Stephanie and Charlotte who perform under the name of In-Stereo.
They have Facebook and Myspace pages. Check them out.
http://rapidshare.com/files/164292710/Duffy_mvp_Mercy_Children_In_Need_14_11_08.mpg 122mb
http://rapidshare.com/files/164311638/Duffy_mvp_Rain_On_Your_Parade_Children_In_Need_14_11_08.mpg 180mb
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